The Center works to enhance knowledge and develop skills in the field of energy efficiency through several major initiatives aimed at raising the level of local expertise and capabilities in this vital field.
Training programs for professional certificates
The center implements accredited training programs for professional certificates such as (CEM-CEA-CMVP-CIEP) in cooperation with the American Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). This aims to provide advanced education and training for practitioners in the field of energy efficiency، Which enhances their ability to effectively manage and audit energy efficiency.
Adoption of training programs in the field of energy efficiency
The initiative to accredit non-qualified training programs comes within the framework of the center’s keenness to raise the quality of training programs and build an integrated training system in the field of energy efficiency.
Energy Efficiency Academy
It is an integrated e-learning platform that provides comprehensive educational resources for those interested in energy efficiency, as it contributes to raising and enhancing the level of knowledge and skills, which supports individuals and organizations in improving energy consumption efficiency.
Developing human capacities in educational institutions
The Center has included the energy efficiency curriculum in a number of universities and technical and industrial colleges in the Kingdom with the aim of enhancing the level of education in the field of energy efficiency and providing a broad base of future experts in this field.
Last Update: 12/03/2025
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