Complaints Receiving Guide
This guide was established to clarify the procedure for submitting complaints to the Center, their requirements and the process for addressing them, to achieve the satisfaction of the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Center.
Planning Guidelines for Sustainable Urban Growth in Saudi Arabia
These guidelines aim to establish a framework for site selection, urban transportation planning, district cooling systems, construction, water management, and public space design in cities, contributing to improved energy efficiency, greater sustainability, and improved livability.
Energy Management Program Requirements Guide
The guide aims to promote a culture of energy efficiency and management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by providing practical guidelines and tools for establishments. The guide covers the steps for implementing an energy management system, starting from capacity building to sustainable implementation of the system, and includes guidelines for meeting the program requirements and the different stages of implementation.
Guidance on energy efficiency scheme requirements for residential buildings
The Guide to Energy Efficiency Plans Requirements for Residential Buildings aims to clarify the mandatory requirements for achieving energy efficiency in residential buildings according to the Saudi Building Code. The guide covers several aspects including general information about the building, the building envelope, air conditioning systems, lighting, and hot water, with practical models and illustrative examples for each section.
Energy Efficiency Training Accreditation Guide
This guide aims to clarify the provisions and procedures of the accreditation regulation for these programs, including the accreditation requirements, application procedures, evaluation, and required reports to ensure the quality of the training programs offered in this field.
Saudi Building Code: Thermal Insulation Guidelines
This guide provides comprehensive information on how to apply thermal insulation systems and materials in compliance with the requirements of the Saudi Building Code. The guide includes definitions of thermal insulation, materials used, insulation benefits, and building code requirements, in addition to methods for calculating requirements and performance standards necessary to achieve energy efficiency in buildings.
Energy Efficiency Service Provider Licensing Guide
It provides comprehensive guidance on the licensing process, activities that require licensing, different types of licenses, and requirements for obtaining them. The guide aims to ensure the quality and efficiency of energy efficiency service providers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Energy Management System: A Practical Toolbox for Help
The Practical Toolbox for Implementing an Energy Management System was prepared by the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center (SEEC) and contains practical models for organizations to use during each step of implementing an energy management system. The toolbox aims to help organizations improve their energy efficiency in a systematic and sustainable manner, and includes models for energy assessment, training plan, energy audit, and policies related to energy management.
Practical Guide to Implementing Energy Management System
The Energy Management System Implementation Guide, prepared by the Saudi Energy Efficiency Center, provides practical guidelines and tools for implementing energy management systems in accordance with ISO 50001 standards. The guide aims to help establishments adopt best practices to improve energy efficiency, through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) methodology to ensure continuous improvement in energy performance.
National Guide to Measurement and Verification
The guide aims to guide those interested in energy efficiency improvement projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by clarifying the mechanism for preparing and writing reports, identifying appropriate methodologies, and following up on targeted savings in accordance with the latest global practices in measurement and verification.